Spring 2013 Blog Devotion

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The “Greener” Days of Summer.

I just love the extra-long days that summer brings. It seems that I am more energized and can accomplish a great deal more. Or, it may just give me a few more hours in the day to relax and catch up on what is truly important in my life. I am always amazed at how much more receptive my clients seem to be with the concept of the “greening” of their home in summer. Could it be that we are more “nature” influenced? Spending more time outdoors and observing the majesty that nature brings may inspire a greener lifestyle. Whatever the reason, my clients are very receptive to my 7 fave summer tips to get them started.

Here are my favorite 7 Summer jump-start green tips. Summer is the perfect time of year to get greener.

1. Keep your freezer full. Use bags of ice to fill the voids and your freezer won’t have to use as much energy to stay cold.
2. Cut back on your paper towel habit. Washable viscose cloths are far more absorbent than paper; they can soak up 10 times their weight in liquid. Trader Joes and Whole Foods carriy them.
3. Use glass containers for leftovers. They are safer to use in the microwave than plastic, which can leach chemicals. Bed Bath & Beyond, and Crate&Barrel offer great variety.
4. Lose your shoes. Wiping your feet on a doormat before you step inside is good, but removing your sneakers altogether is even better. So many studies suggest that we bring in an incredible amount of pesticides and chemicals into our homes on our shoes. Taking off your shoes is one of the easiest ways to keep those toxins from coming inside.
5. Dump the dryer…at least during the summer. Let Mother Nature dry your clothes instead of the electric or gas company. Did you know that you can save 4.4 pounds of carbon per load?
6. Summer time…and the mowers are humming…How about looking into a push-mower? No fuel, no emissions, no blaring roar and today’s model is not your father’s push model.
7. Summer time…and the Bar-B-Q is easy… Green your next party or picnic with a line of sturdy line of sugarcane-based tableware. Not only are these plates, bowls and cups fully biodegradable, their materials are thicker than traditional Styrofoam or paper based products and can be used for either hot or cold food. You can find them at www.branchhome.com

Featured website
My summer go-to wardrobe consists of tees and shorts or jeans. Period! Finding a tee that not only feels good, but one that I know contains no dye and that are made from recycled items can be a challenge. These tees are named for the recycled items from which they are made. Water Cooler Blue, Bottle Green and Beer Bottle Brown. And talk about soft… soft…soft! $22.00 each. Find them at www.playbackclothing.com