Spring 2013 Blog Devotion

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What’s in Your Closet?

Genesis 3:4-5
“And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil”.”
“And the man and his wife were both naked, and were not ashamed.
Genesis 2:25

Once upon a time, all was right on planet Earth, Eve did not notice her nakedness. Adam and Eve are in perfect communion with God and each other, and they are naked, vulnerable and completely okay with it. They are secure in themselves and in who they are with God. Eve had no understanding of shame of body type or image.

So I envisioned that immediately after her first bite, as her eyes opened to sin and her mind was flooded with thoughts. Something along the lines of:

“Look at me…Oh my gosh, how did these get here? OK, I have to go back to our tree and find something to cover “the girls” up. I know, I’ll go shopping for just the right leaf. Oak leaf, no, leaf too small, Pine needle, no…too itchy, Oh look, that fig leaf, smooth texture, right size, and Oh...there’s Maple, not bad either, which one… HUMMMM…Adam which one do you like, fig or maple? The fig leaf, you really like the fig? Oh well, same boring green, guess it will have to do. I have nothing else to wear.

“And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons.”
(Genesis 3: 7)

As new insights of sin entered, a new industry was birthed… Sewing!

Adam and Eve saw that they were naked and decided that they must cover themselves up. Isn’t it typical that men think their self-sufficiency can cover-up sin? Before the first bite…there was no sin in the garden and incredibly, no death. I imagine that in the pre-fallen world leaves did not die. Adam and Eve had no way of knowing that their fig covering would turn brown and shrivel. They didn’t understand the nature of death, and they were ignorant to the choices they had made.

God knew…so the fig leaf that Adam and Eve chose to use to cover their nakedness was quickly replaced. God provided a covering with quality skins. Like the first couple, when we try to cover up our sins ourselves, it proves insufficient. We may try to lie, ignore it, or cover it up somehow, but these will not last… like the leaves that dry up and fade away. But animal skin, now your talking tough and durable. The symbolic fig leaf that man chose to use was quickly replaced by something that God found redeemable for this act of rebellion. A lamb.

The shedding of the blood of the lamb was a demonstration of the only means by which man could gain forgiveness. (Sin’s covering) This principle, established in the Garden, culminated in the sacrifice of Messiah through whom redemption can only be achieved. Talk about deep symbolism!

Eve could never have foreseen the extent that her actions would have far into the future. She could never have envisioned the enslavement woman would shoulder. We choose what we cover ourselves in, both spiritually and materially. Women would find their identification with the clothes they cover their bodies with, desiring a different body type so that others would find them more desirable, and as quickly as we decide what looks good, an increasingly infiltrating industry permeates our mindset and says what looked good on us yesterday doesn’t work today.

So, What’s the point to all of this, and how does this relate to our clothes closet? Since we look at our bodies everyday, you would think we would know how to dress our body type. Sadly however, we do not. Women use clothes to express their inner beliefs about themselves, or they might use clothes to hide or make themselves blend in because of a deep emotional trauma.

You will notice that your closet holds a great deal of emotional thoughts, beliefs and behaviors which no longer fit. As we change, grow, mature, and develop we can look back on certain beliefs and say, “That served me well at the time, but now I can let it go and move forward.” Some beliefs and behaviors we might set aside for awhile just to be sure we don’t really need them.

Are you hanging onto beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve you? Are you ready to clean out your closet and make room for something new? When we give something for someone else to use, like our clothes that we have been holding tightly, God then breaths new life into the “stuff’. Not only does he breathe new life, by allowing someone to actually use and enjoy the item, but also I believe that the giving is blessed manifold. We may never know on this side of heaven how he uses our gifts, but rest assured, he will make something we consider common and create something sacred out of it.

Are you ready?

What’s in your closet?
Our clothes closet is emotional charged because we transfer our memories to items that remind us where we were at certain times in our lives. Events dresses hold special meaning, pregnancy clothes remind us of days before children, and + and – sizes remind us of body types we are not currently in charge of.

Here are 10 emotional tips to help you do a closet intervention.

1.“Never” shop when your feeling disgusted with yourself or your body. The clothes will only be a temporary fix that will end up disappointing you later which will lead to a major case of buyer’s remorse.

2. If it's too big or too small. Get it out of your closet and donate it so that someone who DOES fit into it can wear it. Even if you're trying to lose or gain a few pounds, it's not worth keeping it.
Live in the “now”.

3. You don't like it. This is a no-brainer. Get rid of it today.

4. It's stained. If you really like the garment, but can't wear it because it's stained, spend some time this week getting that stain washed out. If you can't get the stain out, bring the garment to your local dry cleaner. If they can't get the stain out, and there's no other way for you to hide the stain, such as a patch or accessory, then bite the bullet and part with this piece of clothing.

5. It's ripped or torn, a hem needs to be sewn or it needs to be taken in to fit. Either repair it yourself, have someone else repair it or get rid of it if the price of the repair is not worth it. Make one of these choices today, rather than allowing this damaged item to take up precious space in your closet.

6. It's a wear-once outfit. If you have a wedding dress, prom dress, tuxedo or other wear-once dress in your closet, you have an emotional decision to make. If you can't bear to part with these items because they bring back happy memories, then you may have to just keep them. However, if you have photographs of yourself in the wear-once outfit and that's good enough for you, consider parting with it so that someone else can make his or her own good memories in that outfit. On the other hand, if they bring back bad memories, by all means get rid of them. Bring them to a consignment shop, sell them at your next garage sale or donate them.

7. You don't have anything to match it. Perhaps you have a shirt that you love, but can't seem to find pants to match it--or vice versa. Make it a point to go shopping in search of that perfect match. Remember, neutral colors such as black, brown, beige and gray go well with most other colors. You might even want to bring the piece you have to the store with you and have a sales clerk help you find a good match. Try a reputable department store, so you can get professional assistance before you make your choice. You'll be thrilled that you can finally wear that shirt that's been sitting in your closet!

8. You never wear it simply because you have too much. If your closet is packed with clothes and you have outfits you never wear simply because of the high volume, you may want to consider putting some of those clothes into storage so that your closet doesn't feel so stuffed and cramped. If your budget allows you to invest in a closet system, to better organized your closet, so much the better. Once your closet is organized, you will be able to see all the possibilities your clothing presents.

9. Expensive Doesn’t Mean Keeper: Have you ever splurged on a pair of shoes that blew your budget, only to realize that there was no way you could ever wear six inch stiletto heels outside the house? It may have cost you a lot of money, but if you’re not going to wear it then it’s just take up space in your closet. Toss it or, better yet, sell it to a consignment store and make some extra dough.

10. But It Was A Gift: Who hasn’t received a well-intentioned clothing item that ended up being a dud? Don’t we all have oversized sweaters, strange scarves, or pants with a funky crotch sitting in our closets that someone gave to us? Yes, you may feel guilty giving away an item that was a gift, but you’re not wearing it anyway. Donate it to charity and perhaps those items will find a second life with someone who will actually wear them.

Cleaning Out My Closet

I decided today was the day,
To take and cast out some old things.
Things I have kept far too long,
Things that no longer belonged.

I opened the closet door,
With determination inside.
I started to sort through things,
That were left hanging way to long.

First I came upon Bitterness,
Buried deep inside,
So I took it and cast it
Into my box of sin.

Next was envyness,
I needed that no more,
So I took and tossed
That envyness clear out the closet door.

Well my closet was looking better,
Yet more needed to go,
So I dug even deeper,
Deeper then ever before.

Hid deep into the middle,
I thought that was long gone,
I found unforgiveness,
It seemed to just hang on.

So I took that unforgiveness
Along with self-pride,
I took them both,
And cast them both aside.

I looked at my closet,
Looking good I had to admit,
Yet something was left there
Hanging, that needed to be cast.

I grabbed a hold of the hate,
Firmly I gave it a yank,
It was the hardest article,
More stubborn then the rest.

I knew if my closet was to be cleansed,
That this one above all the rest,
Had to be cast deep into the pit.
So with determination, hate was cast aside.

Now as I looked into my closet,
I had room for new things.
Like love, and happiness,
That had no room before.

Now my closet is only filled with
The Holy Spirit, Our Lord Jesus Christ,
Isn't it amazing what our closet
Can hold, when we cast away Our sins,
Inviting Our Precious Lord Jesus Christ In
Author Unknown

Simple Living is Not so Simple

The trouble with simple living is that, though it can be joyful, rich, and creative, it isn't simple.

~Doris Janzen Longacre

No one ever said that when they grow up they want to be “overwhelmed”. Sadly, that is exactly what most of my clients express when they call me for an intervention. What they are so desperately seeking is a simpler way in their day-to-day. Many times that is in terms of their “stuff” and their “time”. They conclude that “stuff” is making them, their relationships and their environment sick. Change rarely happens on a voluntary basis, but when the desire to change becomes a priority in ones life, I have noticed some similarities that contribute to a simpler meaningful lifestyle.

1. Limiting material possessions to what is needed and/or cherished.
2. Meaningful work, whether paid or volunteer.
3. Quality relationships with friends and family
4. Joyful and pleasurable leisure activities
5. A conscious and comfortable relationship with money
6. Connection to community, but not necessarily in formal organizations
7. Sustainable consumption practices
8. Healthy living practices, including exercise, adequate sleep and nutritious food
9. Practices that foster personal growth, spirituality, journal writing and up-lifting reading.
10. Connection to nature and delighting in spending time in nature regularly.
11. Aesthetic beauty in personal environment.
12. Living in harmony with values and integrity.

As in any lifestyle change, I always say to take it slow. You might want to include one or two of these practices this year. Next year, you may want to add on a few more. What is most important is connecting with your true self and deciding that you are worth the change.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.
~E.F. Schumacher

Website of the month:

Green Blog - Winter 2010

The Great Garbage Patch

When I first learned of the story of the Great Garbage Patch, taught by the San Francisco NAPO chapter, thoughts of Charlie Brown raced in my brain. As I began my own investigation into this murky topic, I found little humor to connect the two.

What sounded to me more like science fiction than science fact, I began my own investigation into the world of plastics. For 3 glorious years, 1979-1982 before children, I had the wonderful opportunity to live in Hawaii. The sights of such beauty will never leave me, and one of my top sights were the amazing coral fish swimming in the most blue /green waters you will find anywhere.

This past October, I was reading Rolling Stone’s magazine, and an article that caught my eye was titled An Ocean of Plastic. The article begins ”The world’s waste has formed a vast floating garbage dump that’s twice the size of Texas – and it’s working its way up the food chain. I was born in Houston Texas so here’s something to wrap your head around… when the article says twice the size of Texas. You can begin your trip in Houston and drive all day and all night and still be in Texas. It takes about 1 and 1/2 half days to make it from Houston to New Mexico. So, imagine if you will, something 2x’s that!

The article continues “Welcome to the future”, says Capt. Charles Moore, the commander of the 25ton research vessel call Alquita. He’s standing in Kewalo Basin Harbor on the south shore of Oahu, holding up a jug filled with murky yellow liquid. Tiny bits of debris swirl in the jug, a cloudy mass of trash. Most of it is plastic. ”This is what our oceans are like now…this sample was taken 1,000 miles southwest of LA. So it’s not just one place - this is the whole ocean.“

You can do your own research on the Great Garbage Patch. I do not recommend it however, it you have just eaten a heavy meal. You will find that 40% of albatross chicks on Midway Atoll die from being fed bits of plastic waste that float ashore. Birds cannot distinguish between real food and plastic; but more disturbing to me was what this plastic is made from. These plastics contain concentrations of toxic chemicals, including DDT and PCB’s. The birds and sea turtles are making this plastic their main diet staple and they are choking to death.

Here's a quick breakdown of plastic resin types:

#1 polyethylene terephthalate (PET or PETE)Product examples: Disposable soft drink and water bottles, cough-syrup bottles
#2 high-density polyethylene (HDPE)/Product examples: Milk jugs, toys, liquid detergent bottles, shampoo bottles
#3 polyvinyl chloride (V or PVC)Product examples: Meat wrap, cooking oil bottles, plumbing pipes
#4 low density polyethylene (LDPE)Product examples: Cling wrap, grocery bags, and sandwich bags
#5 polypropylene (PP)Product examples: Syrup bottles, yogurt cups/tubs, and diapers
#6 polystyrene (PS)Product examples: Disposable coffee cups, clamshell take-out containers
#7 other (misc.; usually polycarbonate, or PC, but also polylactide, or PLA, plastics made from renewable resources)Product examples: Baby bottles, some reusable water bottles, stain-resistant food-storage containers, and medical storage containers

Now that you know what each of the numbers represents, here are the kinds you should look for at the store:

Safer Plastics

#1 PET, #2HDPE, #4LDPE and #5PP
These three types of plastic are the healthiest. They transmit no known chemicals into your food and they're generally recyclable; #2 is very commonly accepted by municipal recycling programs, but you may have a more difficult time finding someone to recycle your #4 and #5 containers.

#1 PET
#1 bottles and containers are fine for single use and are widely accepted by municipal recyclers. You won't find many reusable containers made from #1, but they do exist. It's also best to avoid reusing #1 plastic bottles; water and soda bottles in particular are hard to clean, and because plastic is porous, these bottles absorb flavors and bacteria that you can't get rid of.

PLA (polylactide) plastics are made from renewable resources such as corn, potatoes and sugar cane and anything else with high starch content. The starch is converted into polylactide acid (PLA). Although you can't recycle these plant-based plastics, you can compost them in a municipal composter or in your backyard compost heap. Most decompose in about twelve days unlike conventional plastic, which can take up to 100 years.

Plastics to Avoid

#3 PVC
#3 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is often used frequently in cling wraps for meat. However, PVC contains softeners called phthalates that interfere with hormonal development, and its manufacture and incineration release dioxin, a potent carcinogen and hormone disruptor. Vinyl chloride, the primary building block of PVC, is a known human carcinogen that also poses a threat to workers during manufacture.

#6 PS
Extruded polystyrene (#6 PS; commonly known as Styrofoam) is used in take-out containers and cups, and non-extruded PS is used in clear disposable takeout containers, disposable plastic cutlery and cups. Both forms of PS can leach styrene into food; styrene is considered a possible human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. It may also disrupt hormones or affect reproduction.

#7 PC
#7 Polycarbonate (PC) is found in baby bottles, 5-gallon water bottles, water-cooler bottles and the epoxy linings of tin food cans. PC is composed of a hormone-disrupting chemical called bisphenol A, which has been linked to a wide variety of problems such as cancer and obesity.
Knowing just a sampling about the Great Garbage Patch is enough to understand the seriousness of this situation. Knowing that birds and wildlife are endangered is important, but this affects me directly. I love ordering fish, and some my favorite eating fish comes for the Hawaiian area. Guess what… these fish have been ingesting PCB laden particles, and as I eat the fish, I also will be ingesting a small amounts of the chemical. Over time, this can have serious consequences on my health.

So what can you do?

1.Contribute to organizations like Project Kaisei http://www.projectkaisei.org/ that support growing awareness of this issue.

2.When possible buy materials not made of plastic if another material such as cardboard will do.

3.Learn about your communities plastic recycling. The most important thing you can do is to recycle your plastics and learn which plastic symbols are not recycled and stop buying those.

4.Tell your children, your friends and your co-workers that if they want to have a future with blue/green waters anywhere on the globe, then the fight is on.

Green Website Highlight
http://www.Greenopia.com – highlighting more than 50 categories on green activities from coast to coast