Spring 2013 Blog Devotion

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Less is More: A Challenge to Design Your own Blueprint for Simple Living

In past blogs regarding simple living, I have made many references that this new lifestyle is harder and more multifaceted than would appear on the surface. To cultivate a simpler lifestyle, we must search deep within and begin to let go of the world’s measure of success. This truly is hard, but with God’s direction you can begin. What we need now is a blueprint on what living a simpler lifestyle looks like. I would like to offer the following points to begin your blueprint:

1) Limiting material possessions to what is needed and/or cherished.
2) Meaningful work, whether paid or volunteer, ideally spending no more than 30 hours per week. (in order to make time for items 3-12 below)

3) Quality relationships with friends and family.
4) Joyful and pleasurable leisure activities.
5) A conscious and comfortable relationship with money.
6) Connection to community, but not necessarily in formal organizations.
7) Sustainable consumption practices.
8) Healthy living practices...including exercise, adequate sleep, and nutritious food.
9) Practices that foster personal growth, spirituality, and prayer...Bible groups and journal writing, for example.
10) Connection to nature—delighting in spending time in nature regularly.
11) Aesthetic beauty in personal environment.
12) Living in harmony with values and integrity.

This small list is by no means complete. You need to come up with your own concepts and I challenge you to do so. Adopting just 3 of these practices will transform your life. Can you imagine what your ideal life of simplicity would look like? I’d love to know. Please write to me at Eileen@tothenextlevel.net if you’d like to take up this challenge.

~Eileen Koff, CPO